Workers are no longer chained to their desktop computers. There is now a greater range of computing solutions that can fit a greater range of needs. For the casual user who’s often on the road there are smartphones. With data pulled from Verizon’s towers, a smartphone can access the Internet throughout most of the Olympic Peninsula. Users can keep in touch with the office and clients, and do some work using applications.
Even in our mobile age, workers often need the power and convenience of a full desktop system. Pacific Office Equipment works with you to build a system that suits your needs.
Between phones and desktops is the tablet. The market for tablets is growing quickly. Tablet computers can also connect to the Internet through Verizon, allowing users to communicate and work on apps. But tablets allow for larger workspace than phones, can be set up with keyboard, mouse and larger screen, and can even connect to a desktop through a remote session.
Computer Sales
Whether you need a tablet, a single personal computer or a robust, business-oriented computer network, Pacific Office Equipment has the solutions you need. POE is an authorized reseller of the Lenevo Thinkpad brands of both Windows computers and Android tablets. Our sales staff is happy to answer your questions and find the computer system to fit your needs.
POE carries a wide range of computer accessories: ethernet cables, routers, mice, keyboards, USB hubs and cables, thumb drives, CD-R and DVD-R, speakers, headphones, UPS backup systems, surge protectors, external hard drives and much more.
Pacific Office Equipment also stocks printers from Canon and Epson brands. Some printers are multi-function, combining printing, scanning, faxing and more into one system. Some have wireless capability, allowing you to print to the office from the road, either by laptop or smartphone.